The propagation of gift seems to be a way to partial decommodificaton of
human relations. Marcel Mauss is an inspiration for Frank Adloff, David Graeber and
the intellectuals who have signed antineoliberal Convivialist Manifestos. All of them see
a sphere of civil socjety as deeply political.
Article has been screened for originality
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Maayan M.D., Political Ambiguity of Contemporary French Anti-Utilitarianism: The Example of MAUS.S., «French Politics and Society» 1995, vol. 13, nr 4.
Malinowski B., Argonauci Zachodniego Pacyfiku: relacje o poczynaniach i przygodach krajowców z Nowej Gwinei, tłum. S. Szynkiewicz, B. Olszewska-Dyoniziak; oprac. i posł. A. Waligórski, Warszawa 1981.
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