A Politician’s Identity in Social Media.
Reflections on Profilicity for Political Theory
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Wydział Nauk o Polityce i Administracji Uniwersytetu
Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
Publication date: 2025-03-07
Studia Politologiczne 2025;75
The article’s main goal is to introduce the term ‘profilicity’, authored by the
philosophers Hans-Georg Moeller and Paul J. D’Ambrosio, into Polish political science discourse. Profilicity is the most recent, common in late modernity, paradigm of identity,
functioning on the basis of the domination of second-order observation as the main
mechanism of knowing oneself and others. It is displacing sincerity and authenticity as the
paradigms of the previous eras, and its dominant role is facilitated by the development of
technology, including social media. Profilicity can also explain the mechanism of creating
the identity of a political subject, including the contemporary, ‘professional’ politician and
thus it is proposed that it can be used as an analytical category in political science, as well
as other social sciences. The article contains attempts to view profilicity and the way it
is described by its authors through the lens of political science, as well as tries to present
a few ways in which it can supplement existing analyzes of the relationship between
politics and social media.
Article has been screened for originality
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