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The aim of this article is to investigate the causes of aggression in political life.
Here the author describes the types of aggression. Special attention is given to
research the biological determinants of aggression in politics. Approximated is the
concept of instinct of aggression and its consequences for the political system. The
author discusses the concepts of K. Lorenz, E. Fromm and others.
Article has been screened for originality
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Pierre L. van den Berghe, Bestia wraca do łask: w stronę biospołecznej teorii agresji, [w:] B. i J. Szaccy, (red.), Człowiek zwierze społeczne, Warszawa.
J. Vetulani, Neurobiologia agresji. Fenomen agresji w świetle biochemii i fizjologii mózgu, [w:] Agresja i przemoc w świetle nauk przyrodniczych i humanistycznych, Olsztyn 2002.