The article is a critical analysis of the program of inclusive capitalism presented
by the global financial oligarchy. The problem is discussed taking into account the dialectics
of labour and capital productivity and new trends in the development of capitalism.
Financial innovations, as well as the war in Ukraine, show that the basic contradictions
of capitalism have not found their solution but are becoming intensifying. The presented
program of inclusive capitalism is the latest proposal to lead capitalism out of the general development crisis. The aim is to persuade citizens to take out private loans to support
joint-stock companies. This concept will not meet with support from the middle-income
and poor social circles.
Article has been screened for originality
Dowbor L., WTF zdarzyło się w 1971 roku?, (17.07.2024).
Nędzyński K., Program inkluzywnego kapitalizmu, «Pressje. Czasopismo Elektroniczne Klubu Jagiellońskiego» 2020, nr 1 (7), (17.07.20 24).
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