Utilization of Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence Tools
in the Election Campaign in the Republic of Poland
and the Republic of Slovakia – Analysis of Case Studies
The article focuses on the issue of using artificial intelligence tools and algorithms
in parliamentary election campaigns in Poland and Slovakia. In the first part of the article,
the process of the conceptualization of the terms artificial intelligence and microtargeting
was carried out. This was followed by an analysis of the legal conditions related to the use
of artificial intelligence in election campaigns. The empirical part of the paper presents the
results of the conducted research, presenting examples of the use of artificial intelligence
in the 2023 parliamentary campaign. Campaigns in Poland and Slovakia were the subject
of analysis. The main research question of the paper is as follows: how does artificial
intelligence influence democratic processes in Poland and Slovakia? For the purposes of
the paper, several research methods were used: institutional-legal analysis, comparative
method and empirical research – analysis of content published on the Internet.
Article has been screened for originality
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