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Politologii Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Дата публикации: 2020-01-25
Studia Politologiczne 2010;18
Russia’s government is a fulfillment of the cultural and political expectations
of the society and a part of the elites who see in still somewhat unspecified
authoritarianism the source of stabilization. The leader – the president / prime
minister – who expresses the needs of an absolute sovereign – the state – and
who has the “will” to monopolize completely the decision-making process, meets
expectations of the society.This situtation of concetration of all the political power
around the presidentail body and his loyal elites stabilizes the entire political
system. Thus, authoritarianism becomes not only a necessity, but also the cultural
and political value. One may ask, whether in the current situation in Russia, any
other form of government is possible., Perhaps in a state which is so vast and varied,
so full of contradictions and historical complexes and still so immature, a strong
(maybe even authoritarian) political regime is the sole guarantee of stability.