The paper is aimed to analyze main concepts of a multi-level governance (MLG)
in transnational space as well as to determine appropriate methodological
approach to it. The article explores relationship between MLG, globalization and
Europeanization, it also analyses impact of decisions made on various levels of
MLG on citizens. The analysis aims at modifying existing approach towards MLG
research methodology by incorporating interdisciplinary elements into it, especially
combining economics, sociology and psychology. It is postulating a shift from
omnipresent system method to decision and scenario method.
G.A. Almond, Comparative Political Systems, „Journal of Politics” 1956, vol. XVIII, nr 8.
B. Kohler-Koch, The Evolution and Transformation of European Governance, „Reihe Politikwissenschaft / Political Science”, Series No. 58, November 1998.
M. Stein, L. Turkewitsch, Multilevel Governance and Federalism: Closely Linked or Incompatible Concepts, „Participation Bulletin of the International Political Science Association”, vol. 34, nr 2 – October 2010.
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