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Instytut Nauk Politycznych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Publication date: 2020-01-28
Studia Politologiczne 2002;6
This article analyses the propaganda contents of posters (billboards)
presented during the 1993 electoral campaign. Pietrzyk-Zieniewicz assesses
their compositions and persuasive power, points out a number of errors
committed by billboard designers and contrasts billboard slogans with the
numerous inscriptions added by the so-called »man in the street«. She
interprets these inscriptions as expressions of the typical differences between
propaganda mentality, replete with great political expectations and tinged
with wishful thinking, on the one hand and electorate mentality, focused on
practical awareness of the blunders, weak points and political inefficiency of
the various political parties and factions, on the other hand. She concludes
that the 1993 electoral campaign, with its plethora of political parties and
kaleidoscope of political slogans, can be viewed as a syndrome of transformation
of political life style in Poland, the transition from the concept of political
parties as institutions which strongly discipline their members to the concept
of parties as structures whose principal goal is to consolidate the electorate
around the short-term electoral moment.