Ukraine’s foreign trade:
measuring dichotomies between
East and West
magister Uniwersytetu Burgundzkiego we Francji oraz
Uniwersytetu Opolskiego w Polsce
Data publikacji: 26-04-2021
Studia Politologiczne 2021;59
For past decades the two major consumers of Ukrainian products have been
the CIS countries and the EU, both making up to 55% of the foreign trade turnover. An
enactment of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area in 2016 has significantly
boosted the trade between Ukraine and the EU Member States and, from other hand, has
indirectly contributed to the reduction of trade with key CIS partners. In result, basically,
has occurred a reorientation of Ukrainian trade from Eastern partners to Western. The
analysis of the foreign trade of Ukraine for the period 2010–2019 has proved the thesis
that Ukraine has gained first of all quantitatively in trade integration with the EU and
lost first of all qualitatively in diminished trade with the CIS.
Sprawdzono w systemie antyplagiatowym
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