The core – the periphery in global capitalism:
from hegemony to multipolar order
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Faculty of Political
Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw
Publication date: 2021-07-05
Studia Politologiczne 2021;60
The article analyzes the present order, called neoliberal globalization. It serves
American corporations from the arms, mining, financial and ICT sectors to accumulate
the capital. They made Wall Street the financial center of the world where the surplus of
Europe, Japan and Latin American is transformed into the American bonds. This order is
embedded in the institutions created and steered by the American state. The competitive
advantage in this phase of the evolution of capitalism is given not only by control over
so-called intellectual property but also by conquering a possibly large market. That is the
reason for the competition between huge mega-corporations such as American GAFA or
Chinese BATX. Capitalism is affected by the planetary crisis. A decline of the economic
growth rate will take place as a result of natural limits from 3% to the anticipated 1%,
including a decreased productivity of the computer revolution. Mechanisms of the functioning
of the world economy will change: reconstruction of energy industry and transport, pressure
on recycling of minerals, transformation of the labour market together with the use of
robotics and artificial intelligence, the end of consumptionism. The daily issues include the problem of supplementing economic globalization with a political control mechanism
and including a new civilizational power, which China is becoming. The latter opt for
a multipolar order, where local civilizations will preserve their separate character and where
they will be able to create a system of supplying their economies with deficit raw material
and outlets but without military bases and without following the USA in recognizing certain
areas to be the “zones of vested interests”. The world will be different but will it be worse?
Article has been screened for originality
two double-anonymous peer reviews
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