Civil society is an indispensable component of a functional democratic state.
The development of civil society is dependent on a number of factors, including the work
of the education system. Education is the crucial space for shaping civic attitudes and
acquiring competences necessary for a society that is aware of its rights and active in
the public sphere. A significant majority of educational institutions is administratively
supervised by local government units. The purpose of this paper is to indicate how local
authorities can play a role in the shaping of civil society by performing tasks (both
obligatory and additional, non-compulsory ones) related to education.
Article has been screened for originality
Baranowska-Zając W., Instytucje społeczeństwa obywatelskiego w świetle nowelizacji samorządowych ustaw ustrojowych z 11 stycznia 2018 r., «Studia Prawnoustrojowe» 2019, no. 44.
Hoelscher M., List R.A., Ruser A., Toepler S. (eds.), Civil Society: Concepts, Challenges, Contexts. Essays in Honor of Helmut K. Anheier, Springer, 2022.
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