This article examines legal, institutional and knowledge-based aspects of counterterrorism policies developed by the European Union in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks
on the United States in 2001. It focuses on selected areas in which progress has been made
in the framing of the EU’s strategies, policies and actions. The following case studies are
included: counter-terrorist legislation, especially the framework decision and directive on
combating terrorism; the EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator as an institutional intermediary
within the EU’s institutional architecture and in the external dimension of counter-terrorism
cooperation; Europol’s TE-SAT report as an instrument of strategic awareness-building,
which has facilitated the explaining of the nature of terrorist threats across the EU. The
main assumption underpinning this paper is that the EU has managed to ensure an uneven
yet constant development of counter-terrorism measures which have contributed to a more
effective fight against terrorism.
Article has been screened for originality
two double-anonymous peer reviews
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