The Czech Republic
in the European Defence Agency:
the question of effectiveness
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Masaryk Centre of International Studies of the University of Economics in Prague, Czech
Publication date: 2020-10-06
Studia Politologiczne 2020;57
At a general level, the article focuses on the relation between states and
international organizations. In current era, states and international organizations coexist in
international system. Their relation has been researched many times, but the question which
is still rather unanswered relates to the management of membership of states in international
organizations. The states nowadays participate in hundreds of different organizations. The
tricky part that remains to be examined more in details is how to analyse the effectiveness of
the engagement of a country in a concrete international organization. The article investigates
further the case of the Czech Republic and it analyses its performance and relevance in
the European Defence Agency (EDA) applying the research design which was proposed
in 20122. The team of researchers proposed four criteria: objective pursued, personal
representation, cost/performance ratio and activities implemented. The analysis is based
on the examination of the Czech policy goals and priorities in the EDA. It also explor es
the area in more details conducting semi-structured interviews with the representatives of
different Czech state bodies and employees of the Agency.
Article has been screened for originality
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