The Concept of “the Return to the Past”
as an Inspiration
for the Anti-Civilization Project
of Utopian Primitivist Thought
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professor in the Institute of Political Science at
the Kazimierz Wielki University
Publication date: 2019-12-15
Studia Politologiczne 2019;53
Primitivism is a marginal current of political thought. It is based on the concept of
the return to the era of primitive past. However, primitivists view this concept as
an inspiration rather than a closed vision of the future. The founders and followers
of primitivism address problems which are ignored by scholars and politicians, and
show that there are other, alternative ways of thinking about the future. Primitivism
is a utopian thought, but this does not mean that it cannot be an inspiring source
of new ideas concerning the reform of modern civilization in the ecological and axiological aspect. The main creators of modern primitivism are John Zerzan
from the United States and John Moore from the United Kingdom. Primitivism
shows ideological similarities to other trends of political thought which are in
the peripheries of the modern sets of political ideas. They include: anarchism,
tribalism, Luddism and agrarianism.
Article has been screened for originality
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