Adam Bartnicki, Karolina Stefanowicz
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pracownik naukowy Katedry Politologii
Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
pracownik naukowy
Katedry Politologii Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Дата публикации: 2020-01-27
Studia Politologiczne 2009;14
It is common to consider that the mutual trust of government and society is the
foundation of civil society. However, Russians do not trust elites, often consider
them as main cause of their problems. Furthermore, it seems that this confidence
is not present on the other side. Thus situation caused emerging trends among
elites to ‘management’ and ‘control’. Nowadays the gap between the elites and the
society has came back. Although, the authorities attempt to rebuild – with some
success – the mutual trust, the disharmony lingers. Practically no civil society may be established. The reason of that is the idea hold by the authorities that the
development of such society could reduce the domination of the power. Moreover
the society is more focus on every day life issues rather than on the advanced
form of the social – political activity.