Supranational democracy means displacement of democratic solutions on superior
from national and traditionally understood international level of governance,
taking into consideration new participants, new problems and requirements. It
is about creation new, different from so far know, mechanisms and practices.
There is investigative problem in so understood question, related to features of supranationalism, forming new conditions for idea of democracy, the same
like concerning question of substantiation of capability to transfer democratic
mechanism and institutions on high level of governance.
K.K. Abbott, R.O. Keohane, A. Moravcsik, A.-M. Slaughter, D. Snidal, The Concept of Legislation, „International Organization” vol. 54, 2000, nr 3.
D. Archibugi, M. Koenig-Archibugi, R. Marchetti, Introduction. Mapping global democracy, [w:] D. Archibugi, M. Koenig-Archibugi, R. Marchetti (eds.), Global Democracy: Normative and Empirical Perspectives, Cambridge 2011.
M. Zurn, Democratic Governance Beyond the Nation State? The EU and other International Institutions, „European Journal of International Relations” vol. 6, 2000.
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