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profesor Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Publication date: 2020-01-23
Studia Politologiczne 2013;27
The reaction of the public opinion to the way in which Polish politicians fulfil their
duties does not lead to the latter auto-correcting their behaviour. This is made still
more difficult by the opinions expressed in the media by experts on the politics
and the politicians’ actions. As a result there is an increased belief in the society
that there is no chance for any qualitative change, resulting in low voter turnout,
which lowers the rank and scale of the decisions made by the Polish voters. At
the same time there occurs an increased oligarchization and tribalisation of Polish
politics at the party and state level manifested by the phenomenon of political
rentierism and pollcracy, and the re-election obsession which drives many politicians. In
this way the chasm between the electorate and the chosen representatives grows,
which may result in a danger that the balance of power may become upset; what is
caused by both: the ruling parties and the opposition. The possible consequence of
such a course of events may be the increased rank of populism able to disturb this
balance, but in fact not interested in revolutionary changes. Petrifaction of such
tendencies also has a negative influence on the perception by the public opinion
and the politicians themselves of the Polish political science as incapable to correct
the behaviour of the political class. The need to change this unfavourable situation
is a premise of the presented analysis, especially as in the stable democratic systems
it is the political scientists who make up an important segment of the advisors and
forecasters influencing the political practice.
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