Conflicts in transnational governance – case study:
European Union
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adiunkt w Zakładzie Instytucji Europejskich
Instytutu Nauk Politycznych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Дата публикации: 2020-01-24
Studia Politologiczne 2012;23
The article combines socio-psychological approach to conflict etiology (so-called
circle of conflict of Christopher Moore) with political analysis of the European
Union’s conflicts. Its purpose is analysis of main approaches of the EU as a transnational
governance system towards conflict resolution and then evaluation of
conflict-management strategies in the European Union. The article categorizes
conflicts in the EU and highlights the need to search for effective means of their
resolution within the EU multi-level political system with special emphasis put on
deliberative democracy as proper environment for managing conflicts within the
EU and outside its system, however, with the EU direct or indirect participation.