Kampanie wyborcze ruchów populistycznych
w Polsce i Niemczech – analiza porównawcza
Instytut Nauk Politycznych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Data publikacji: 28-01-2020
Studia Politologiczne 2002;6
Europe today is the arena for the successes of various populist movements
with all shades of ideology. In Poland and Germany parties of this type
thrive on a varied ideologically subsoil: starting with the left, through liberal
conservatism, all the way to the extreme right. The chief populist players
on the Polish scene are: „Samoobrona” – led by Andrzej Lepper – with roots
in the farmers’ movement, „Liga Polskich Rodzin” – closely connected with
the traditionalistic Catholic Church circles, and the „Prawo i SprawiedliwoÊç”
(Law and Justice) party of Lech and JarosΠaw Kaczyƒski placing priority on
battling crime. In Germany in recent years, the most successful were: the
ultra-rightist Deutsche Volksunion (DVU) and Ronald Schill’s conservative
Partei Rechtsstaatlicher Offensive (P.R.O.). The success of populists in both
countries is the consequence of a combination of reasons: the resignation
from continuing a democratic dialogue by parties of the establishment, the
upshot of an irresponsible policy pursued by the sensation-crazed media, as
well as – in the case of Polish farmers’ in „Samoobrona” – the result of the
leniency of the courts in cases of stark violations of the law. The populist
threat in the case of Poland and Germany is particularly strong, as in both
these countries around 20% of society is inclined to believe the recipes
dished out by the charismatic leaders.