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w Zakładzie Socjologii i Psychologii Polityki Instytutu Nauk Politycznych Uniwersytetu
absolwent politologii w Instytucie Nauk Politycznych Uniwersytetu
Publication date: 2020-01-23
Studia Politologiczne 2012;25
In this article the process and consequences of the struggle for influences on the
Internet that takes place between citizens (individuals, NGO’s, social movements)
and government institutions were analyzed. In the first part of the text, the degree
to which basic democratic values such as freedom of speech are subject to Internet
restrictions was investigated. The second part of the reading constitutes an analysis
of the methods which are used to resist Internet limits on freedom of speech. It can
be concluded from the analysis conducted that the rivalry between these two types
of subjects is of a dynamic character. Governments usually take action whereas
citizens react solely to the introduced restrictions. Both sides undertake action
of a technical character which is based on implementing the solutions enabling
filtering and blocking the content or allowing safe browsing and use of information
which because of censorship has become unavailable. Moreover, governments make
use of legislative solutions to restrict freedom of speech such as preventative
censorship or other direct and indirect forms of repression. Society, however while
defending itself from censorship, undertakes activities of an educational character
which are implemented by NGO’s.