Information security as exemplified
by the crime of espionage in the Polish
and Swedish criminal law
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Wydział Nauk Politycznych
i Dziennikarstwa Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Publication date: 2019-12-18
Studia Politologiczne 2018;49
With regard to the performed analysis of the main attributes of
the crime of espionage in its basic, autonomous and privileged forms
in the Polish criminal regulations, and with regard to the comparative
analysis of the Swedish criminal regulations, it should be concluded that: (1) the regulations penalising acts of espionage and acts directed against
information protection (including acts termed “cyberterrorism”) need to
be amended, (2) there is a need for systemic solutions as regards acts
aimed against the state and information protection, (3) it is necessary to
replace the attribute of “a foreign intelligence service” with the attribute
of “a foreign state” or “a foreign authority,” i.e. it is necessary to introduce
a solution that features in the Swedish, Serb and Croatian regulations,
(4) it is necessary to change the privileged form as regards the extension
of criminal liability to cover various forms of preparation for the crime of
espionage, (5) it is necessary to change the privileged form of the crime
of espionage as regards the attribute of “declaring a readiness to work
for the benefit of a foreign intelligence service” so as to eliminate the
doctrinal interpretation of the current legal solution, (6) it is necessary to
introduce regulations penalising the very fact of declaring a readiness to
act for the benefit of a foreign state against the Republic of Poland, (7) it
is worth considering minimizing the significance of the term ‘damage’
in favour of case-law definition of a kind of information as the object of
a crime, (8) following the solutions in the Swedish regulations, it is worth
considering introducing specified forms of the crime of espionage in view
of the violation of caution principles, although this might result in too
high a degree of legislative restrictiveness, (9) following the solutions
included in the Swedish regulations, it is worth considering introducing
penalisation of various forms of intelligence activity as opposed to the
crime of capital espionage, (10) following the solutions included in the
Swedish regulations, it is worth introducing penalisation of various forms
of foreign support, whereby acts which might be termed illegal financial
assistance, illegal support for agents of influence, or illegal activities
concerned with exerting influence on public opinion as regards matters
of major relevance for the state.
Article has been screened for originality
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