Imaginacyjny konserwatyzm Benjamina Disraelego
wykładowca w Instytucie Nauk Politycznych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Data publikacji: 28-01-2020
Studia Politologiczne 2009;13
Political thought of Benjamin Disraeli and his policy as a leader of Conservative Party marks a new stage in evolution of English conservatism. In particular catastrophic vision of W. Burke and nostalgic-retrospective conservatism of Lake Poets (S.T. Coleridge, W. Wordsworth and R. Southey) were forsaken. Disraeli is the first consequent conservative who treated evolutionary change as a method of development not only legitimate by history and neglected by modernity but still possible to implement in reality. Although the project of “conservative progress” made him a critic of liberal ideology, it let him accept basic institutions of liberal society in the name of their conservative correction. In the world speaking many languages which describe its dilemmas and conflicts in different ways, Disraeli formulated a proposition of a meta-language which could overcome the said dilemmas and conflicts. The key word of this language is an empire – meta-material, solidarity community of imagined goal, reorganizing relations between classes and integrating them in different dimension and reality. Thus one of fundamental features of human art dominating over the nature is the ability to create and introduce the values which would regenerate the society as a whole. Indeterministic ability of integrating social spirituality becomes one of the fundamental instruments of conservative policy.
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