The Pandemic geography.
The Differentiation and dynamics of COVID-19 spread
in the Poland (March 2020–March 2022)
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Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego
Zagospodarowania PAN
Publication date: 2022-10-10
Studia Politologiczne 2022;65
The aim of this study is to demonstrate the specificity of the spread of recorded
SARS-CoV-2 infections in Poland (five recorded waves, March 2020–March 2022).
The data used were those of the Ministry of Health (by communes) and the team of M. Rogalski (2022) by poviats. The data was visualized on maps and charts, looking
for spatio-temporal regularities. Infections were found to be more frequent in the northern
part of the country and in agglomerations, but there were no correlations with population
density, industrial employment or commuting, typical for the spread of infectious diseases.
The article is a continuation of the author’s earlier research on the so-called first wave
of the pandemic in Poland, i.e. the course of its first 100 days (Śleszyński 2020) and
6 months (Śleszyński 2021a), as well as incorporating some of the time-extended results of
an expert study done for the Committee on Demographic Sciences of the Polish Academy
of Sciences (Śleszyński 2021b).
Article has been screened for originality
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