Cultural contradictions of post-Fordism
in the context of the transformation
of European peripheries through the prism
of the class of subcontractors
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Faculty of Engineering
Management Białystok University of Technology
Publication date: 2021-07-05
Studia Politologiczne 2021;60
The presented paper deals with the basic issues, dilemmas and social and cultural
contradictions in the Polish transformation process against the background of Central and
Eastern Europe, the processes of the establishment and development of new states and
nations as well as the new markets. The author views these problems through the light of the
emergence of a broad class of subcontractors in a turbulent environment and the new modes
of production, which are a result of changes in the structure of human labour introduced
by post-Fordism (in its final stage, lean management) and postmodernity. The author also
analyzes the social change as a consequence of social relations resulting from exchanging
the life chances of the actors for the class-conditioned market opportunities in the existing
social and political situation (conjoncture) and at the present stage of transformation at the
moment when the emergent markets get shaped and mature. The study makes use of the
hermeneutic method, which is finding out the essence of the present phase of transformation
through the light of new concepts against the background of the historical-comparative
analysis. The present article is not aimed at ordering reality but it is an inspiration for
studies and for approaching transformation in accordance with a new conceptual apparatus
of social sciences, sociology, management and political economy.
Article has been screened for originality
two double-anonymous peer reviews
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