Changes in political relevance of The League of Polish Families in result of parliamentary, municipal and European elections
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Institute of Political Sciences, University of Rzeszów, Poland
Publication date: 2019-12-17
Studia Politologiczne 2019;52
The article comprises an analysis of political relevance of the League of Polish Families (LPR) – the only party of the national movement in the Republic of Poland that introduced its representatives to the parliament and was a member of government coalition. Thanks to its presence in legislative and executive institutions it was able to participate directly in the legislative processes, implement its ideological concepts and control the government with regard to its functioning. LPR was a party that had significant potential to become an important political entity of national character. The union of national and national-conservative groups, as well as the program directed to a large part of the society sharing similar values provided the party with electoral success in the first years of its existence. This resulted from the belief of the national electorate that LPR had become an effective representative of their interests in the public sphere- the interests so far not pursued by Polish authorities. LPR was not able to make use of those assets; its failure resulted from ideological and personal disputes between the activists, which contributed to breakdowns, division of the electorate and gradual decrease of influence of the party in the society.
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C. Maj, E. Maj, Narodowe ugrupowania polityczne w Polsce: 1989–2001, Lublin 2007.
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