The system of interaction between the state and the citizen in Uzbekistan: renewal and development paths
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профессор Ташкентского государственного юридического университета, Узбекистан
Publication date: 2021-10-28
Studia Politologiczne 2021;61
The article is devoted to the analysis of some theoretical and practical aspects of such a phenomenon as the system of interaction between the state and the citizen in the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the consideration of the place of legal values in this system, the grounds and conditions for the establishment of e-democracy, the importance of administrative procedures and public services. The characteristic of the basic legal values of the system of interaction between the state and citizens is given, the position is argued according to which constitutional values determine the essence of the relationship between them. E-democracy is considered in the context of the process of increasing the participation of citizens in the democratic management of state affairs, ensuring the transparency of the activities of state bodies, as well as their interaction with the population. The authors notes that the elements of e-democracy are most visibly manifested in the practice of interaction between the state and society. Given the assessment of the state of development of e-democracy in the country, the authors made an attempt to consider the prospects for its further development in Uzbekistan. Administrative procedures and public services are considered as instruments of interaction between the state and the population, in the context of dialogue between the state and the citizen.
Article has been screened for originality
two double-anonymous peer reviews
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