The article examines the matters involved in organizing and exercising judicial control
over the lawfulness (rightfulness) of normative legal acts in the Russian Federation. It
formulates the concept of judicial normative control and defines its functions and forms.
The article differentiates the direct and indirect normative control. It analyses the problem
of delimitation of the jurisdiction of Russian courts in respect of the cases on disputing
regulatory orders and determines the persons holding the right to judicial disputing of
normative legal acts. The article traces the development of procedural regulation of legal
effects of a court decision on declaring a disputable normative legal acts as void.
С.В. Никитин, Судебное оспаривание нормативных правовых актов, [в:] АПК и ГПК 2002 г.: Сравнительный анализ и актуальные проблемы правоприменения, Москва 2004.
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