The article discusses the formation and development of political parties as a socio-political
institution in the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Poland. A comparative analysis
of the legal regulation of the activities of political parties (in historical retrospect) and the
formation of legal qualifications in the registration and activities of political parties are
carried out. The chronological sequence considers the main stages of the improvement
of legislation in relation to political parties both in one country and in another. Attention
is paid to the legislative barriers to the activities of political parties and their role in the
institutionalization of this socio-political institution.
Sprawdzono w systemie antyplagiatowym
A. V. Gavrikov, Some Aspects of the Formation of the Political System of the Republic of Belarus: the Genesis of Political Parties in 1990-1995, « Spring. Grodno dyarzhavnaga vniversiteta imya Yanka Kupala» 2018, Series № 1, tom 10.
A. V. Gavrikov, The Formation of a Multiparty System in the Republic of Belarus (the End of 20-beginning of the 21th Century), «Weight. Nat. Acad. Sciences of Belarus. Ser. Humanity. Sciences» 2018, T. 63, № 1.
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