Кафедра государственного и международного права, юридический факультет, Кубанский государственный аграрный университет им. И.Т. Трубилина, Краснодар, Российская Федерация
This article is devoted to the study of the legal prohibition of the civil and political rights in the exercising of the right to public control. The paper classifies the main approaches to defining and using the concept of the ‘abuse of rights’, and gives its author’s definition. The author substantiates the need to use this concept in the field of the regulation of public relations. The paper analyzes the legislative consolidation of the legal ban on the prohibition of the abuse of civil and political rights in the implementation of the right to public control at the federal and regional level.
This article employs a number of research methods, in particular: comparative law; classification; evaluation.
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