Current developments in the legal institutionalization of the political parties in the Republic of Belarus
Институт социологии Национальной академии наук, Минск, Беларусь
Data publikacji: 15-06-2020
Studia Politologiczne 2020;56
Political parties are an indispensable tool for the implementation of representative democracy, through which citizens participate in the process of managing society. The role and importance of parties has long been established at a time when their special legal regulation is relatively recent. Legal changes in the institutionalization of political parties has a significant impact on the political and legal activity of this socio-political institution. At present there is a public discussion in Belarus concerning proposed legislation on the activities of political parties. The draft Law of the Republic of Belarus, “On changing laws on the activities of political parties and other public associations” was submitted for public discussion. Most attention is being paid to the following issues: the reorganization of public associations into political parties, a reduction in the number of founders, and the introduction of state subsidies for the activities of political parties. This article considers the current developments in the legal institutionalization of political parties of the Republic of Belarus. Using institutional analysis, the author examines the legal aspects of the formation of political parties from a comparative legal aspect.
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